Readers' Advisory Prompt Three (Horror)
Promoting Horror
I find that timing for any sort of genre really helps catch people’s attention. Romance, our other genre for the week is an obvious February shoo-in. For a horror display, I find it best to have it coincide with October. It can also be helpful to sync it up to a popular movie, show, or game release. Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House is a good example; it was very popular when it came out. Doing a display about haunted house scary stories would be a timely display for that and likewise any sequels to that anthology series could be used as display inspiration. You could also use series or movie releases that are horror genre blends as display ideas. Stranger Things is an example of this. The video game Elden Ring is considered dark fantasy, so a display of dark fantasy titles (books and movies) could link with the hot topics of a given time period. Right now, zombie fiction is trending because of HBO's adaptation of the video game The Last of Us. Our blog post containing the prompt for this assignment even mentions promoting multiple types of media in one display. I don’t see any reason to not incorporate a blend of movies, television series, video games (if the collection has them), and books in a sort of integrated advisory display (citation at bottom).
Passive Programming
(citation at bottom)
A passive program that could work well with this would be a display like this. I would probably set it up on a table with books and movies (integrated advisory). Another fun aspect would be to set up a voting station for this so people can vote on their favorite villain/hottest villain/most evil villian and have a drawing at the end of the month (most likely October) for a gift card or a horror movie themed basket.
Librarian Lisa (n.d.). Villain voting [photograph]. Pinterest.
Cataldi, E. (2023, February 12). Week Six [Blog Post]. Readers’ Advisory.
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